Miss Representation

Needed to reblog this one. As a girl exploring (or potentially lost in the expansive nature of) math and science, and the sea of doubt that follow them when it comes to a girl’s success in the fields, this matters to me. Plus, the Daisy Buchanan quote a little more than halfway down is one of my favorites- besides the other Great Gatsby ones “Her voice is full of money,” and the incredible ending (and Fitzgerald’s epigraph), “So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past.” Are our attitudes “born back ceaselessly” too? About these same things? How would/could we break the cycle? Would we want to?
Questions of mine as I was reading. A five minute reflection/reassessment afterwards is necessary, but this is a great piece to read. Makes me want to do something, but presented the harsh reality along with it.

Super Philosophy Bros

I had no idea how profoundly my vision would be altered by teaching Feminist Perspectives this fall. Everywhere I look now, I can’t help but magnify the gross patriarchy pervading every corner of our daily experience. And it wasn’t that I was ignorant to this phenomenon prior to the class, but I was privileged with the opportunity (as a white male) to not really worry about it. Sure, it was a problem, and one that needed desperate attention. Just not my attention. After all, it wasn’t taking anything away from me. Gender as a social construct only truly affects women anyway, right?
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” –Alice Walker, epigraph to Miss Representation
Two documentaries that effectively underscore the parasitic and paralytic power of media, especially in dictating (what end up seeming like natural) gender norms: The Codes of…

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2 thoughts on “Miss Representation

  1. I find it easy to get depressed when faced with the enormity of the disconnect, but then just put my head down and get back to work. Being aware of bias (both explicit and subtle) and yet not being overwhelmed by it can coexist. It is a constant life lesson to learn to balance observations of inequity and calibrations of our own tactical strengths and effectiveness.

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